
Ace Cybersecurity for Safe Digital Growth

Digital transformation & growth is most probably one of the top priorities of your business. However, how is your organisation resilient against hackers and cyberattacks?


Our mission is to Maximise the resiliency of your company against cyberattacks.

According to , Belgium falls into the global average of lands where the probability of a cyber attack is around 28 percent. In Belgium, three-quarters (76 percent) of attacks come in via emails, with the greatest vulnerability being Remote Code Execution (62 percent). This vulnerability gives hackers the opportunity to install and launch malware remotely.

The IBM Data Breach report (see here) says that the average cost of a data breach is EUR 4.05 million. Are you sure you don’t want to do anything to mitigate this risk?

We have Experience in These Areas:

Identity & Access Management

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Information Security Awareness

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Data Loss Prevention

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